VSYS Crypto Wallet

2 min readJan 9, 2021

This project from our team has been greatly motivated by the will to create an application with the neumorphic design trend, we wanted to create something proper, clean and that inspire luxury.

The kind of project we wanted to conceive was for blockchain technology, if possible something relatively simple with less than 5'000 lines of code written by ourselves. We didn’t wanted to purpose an blockchain application with a long and complex set up coming with a quite boring user-flow, the question was how would vsys-gold-wallet.com be simple yet very secure; we choosed Triplesec by Keybase, a very strong cryptographic algorithm that uses Scrypt, Salsa20, Twofish, AES-256, and HMAC.

It is quite long to wait for encryption / decryption of the private key furnished by the v.systems cryptocurrency wallet API (between 1 and 3 seconds) but it is a gain of time and security to not have the choice but to wait between two attempts. The loader component is quite great and time it isn’t so much boring than that to wait for encryption to do its job.

With this application benefiting most world’s most advanced cryptographic algorithms, you can create a wallet in less than 10 seconds, just go to the website (this is a progressive web app that you can add to your homescreen) and just go with the flow, nothing is required but a modern browser, you can obviously backup your account and make transactions instantaneously on the v.systems network (0 to 4 seconds in average) and it just cost less than two cents.

The design is modern, unique, luxurious, and especially in exclusivity made for v.systems to be the most friendly crypto wallet available.

